Friday, February 24, 2012

On My Floor

As he lays sleeping here
another night of talking and agreeing and

we still are together

he mumbles under his breath that he loves me
while I say it out loud

He says I ruined him
from self destructing


I say the same

He looks into my eyes when we speak about the world
about the same day crap
about the past

I still doubt
oh, yes I do
because it is the nature of people to need what they want

and, I am guilty of that as well

but, with him I have not been able to hide anything

he makes me babble

god damn it

I tell him everything and I can not make him run

I can not make him turn around and leave

He knows my game and why I try

tonight, he told me
he loves me
because I am pure

because I want nothing from him but love

Imagine that
a man that I don't have to share.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I smile as I write this
because I am truly in
Very like

and I love being here

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